
Monday, February 10, 2025

Next week is Valentine’s week and we will be doing a fun week with dress-up days. We highly encourage you to dress up. Below are the day themes.
Monday Feb. 10th – Pajamas
Tuesday Feb 11th – Twin Day
Wednesday Feb 12th – Wear your Florals
      Support: Build your own bouquet (sign up to Ms. Doerr’s room)
Thursday Feb. 13th – Cupids colors (Red, pink, and white)
Congratulations to the following Musical Mustangs for placing at the highest level in our NE regional honor orchestra (NEISTA) progressing on to the state-level ISTA Honor Orchestra Festival in May!
  • Emma Garriott, viola
  • Maria Hart, violin
  • Sarah Hockett, violin
  • Eve Scheidecker, viola
  • Gavin Weinbender, violin
Congratulations to the Men’s Swimming team who won the District Team Championship this year. Making it two in a row!
Girls State Wrestling Results:
Bella Miller – 3rd
Ayla Osterkamp – 8th
Mustang Pride Winners Week of Feb10-13

Piper McElmeel* nominated by J. Houselog
Max Arensdorg** nominated by Mr. Klavitter
Koltin Jones*** nominated by Mrs. Ervin
Free Culvers Cheese Curds
Abram Mata nominated by Ms. Lammers
Free Culvers Concrete Mixer
Josie Runde nominated by Ms. Cheevers
Ella Campbell nominated by Mr. DeSanti
Free Jersey Mikes Sub
Madyson Laden nominated by M. R. Loeffelhoz
Anthonee Shumaker nominated by Ms. Kelley
Miguel Muxin nominated by Ms. Hurley
Staff PRIDE Winner of the Week
Darla Henry nominated by Ms. Drahozal

The Hempstead Spring Sports Parent Night will take place on Monday March 3rd at 7 pm. The event will start in the North Gym with Athletic Director Eric Miller, Athletic Trainer Brian Regan, and the Hempstead Booster Club. After the larger group meeting in North Gym, each sport will break off into their respective groups and have their parent meetings with the coaches.

We would like to have all parents/guardians for all levels of Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Tennis, Boys and Girls Track, and Girls Golf at this meeting. Athletes are also welcome to attend with their parents/guardians. We look forward to seeing everyone on March 3rd at 7 pm in the North Gym – Go Stangs!

The Hempstead Literary Society (i.e. book club) has four books left for February’s selection. Stop by the library today to pick up your free copy! We will meet on February 19 during Support. The book is The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon. See Mrs. Houselog in the library with any questions.

Join Interact Club in writing letters of thanks and well wishes to local veterans traveling on their Honor Flight!  February 19 in A205, 2:30-3:45pm.  This counts towards Service Hours!

SSF will be selling Candy Grams February 10-12th during lunches in the cafeteria and all day in the library. Candy Grams will be delivered February 13th during Support Time. All proceeds will benefit the Care Closet.

E-Sports Open Gym at DESL Arena (3220 Dodge St, Suite 109). Join us for an open evening to play featured games Mario Kart and Valorant. Spring E-Sports season is February 4 & 11 from 5:30-7:30pm. League try-outs are February 18 & 25 from 5:30-7:30pm. Look for announcements on .

Boys Tennis will have a meeting this Thursday February 13th at 2:30pm in room B220.

Girls Tennis will have a meeting Tuesday, February 18th after school in Ms. Hoden’s room C140.

Musical – Important dates to remember with the musical coming up!  The show will be performed from March 6-9.  Tickets will go on sale online Feb 24th. We will send out links and more information closer to that day.

Upcoming Open Gym dates – Tuesdays – Feb. 11 & 18 from 2:30-3:30pm in North Gym. All are welcome!

Upcoming College Visits in Counseling:
*UW-Platteville – February 17th during 3rd hour

Make sure you have your parking permit displayed in the appropriate place of your vehicle. If you do NOT hold a permit, DO NOT park in the parking lot or you may be ticketed.

Student IDs are required to be worn around your neck at all times. Thank you!


Mustangs Events for week of February 10-February 15

MONDAY – February 10
Boys Basketball vs. IC City
Band Concert 7 pm in auditorium
TUESDAY – February 11
Girls Basketball @ Waterloo West
Boys Basketball vs. Waterloo West
WEDNESDAY – February 12
German Club-Germany Trip meeting 6pm in C141
THURSDAY – February 13
Freshman Boys Basketball @ Cedar Falls Holmes
FRIDAY – February 14
No School
Girls Basketball vs. Cedar Falls
Boys Basketball @ Cedar Falls
Bowling @ Western Dubuque
Boys Swimming – State Meet
Band – UW Platteville Honor Band
SATURDAY – February 15
Boys Swimming – State Meet
Boys Wrestling – State Qualifier @ CR Jefferson
Band – UW Platteville Honor Band



Per 1  7:35-8:19am
Per 2  8:24-9:08am
Per 3  9:13-9:57am
Support  10:02-10:34am
Per 4  10:39-11:04am
Per 5  11:09-11:23am
Per 6  11:28-11:53am
Per 7  11:58am-12:12pm
Per 8  12:17-12:42pm
Per 9   12:47-1:31pm
Per 10  1:36-2:20pm


Per 1  8:35-9:10am
Per 2  9:15-9:50am
Per 3  9:55-10:30am
Support  10:35-11:06am
Per 4  11:11-11:36am
Per 5  11:41-11:48am
Per 6  11:53am-12:18pm
Per 7  12:23-12:30pm
Per 8  12:35-1:00pm
Per 9  1:05-1:40pm
Per 10  1:45-2:20pm